FREE Mental Health Micro Guide #13

The Stress Management Issue

Let’s get 1 million people trained by 2035


Did you know:

1) Stress isn’t always bad?

2) Stress can be navigated healthily?

3) Stress can’t be completely eradicated?

Let’s dig in…

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(UK) Call The Samaritans on 116 123 or look at their website here

The Question: How do we get back control from stress?

Stress is like a baby on a road trip.

You’d let it into the car

but you wouldn’t let it drive.

Here’s four different ways into it …

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

The Time-Saver: Stress Management 101

Save time with this One Click Wonder, all the key resources in one place - just one click away.

Open and save your own pdf version to keep and to share around the office - link under the image.

QR Code. You can either scan the QR Code or click the word “press” next to it to access the video above. Another way to share help and support.

This is part of a series. Interested in versions you can print without emptying the printer cartridge? Or interested in versions with your company logo on? Get in touch.

The Checklist: Stress Management

Four ‘why’s” and their '“how’s”. All to help you start..

Here’s a summary from the video above.



Mindful Breathing

Deep, slow breaths activate the body's relaxation response, counteracting the physical symptoms of stress


Physical activity releases endorphins and helps dissipate built-up tension, reducing stress levels effectively.

Setting Boundaries

Saying "no" and managing commitments prevents overwhelm by protecting your time and energy.

Practicing Gratitude

Focusing on positive aspects rewires the brain, reducing cortisol levels and improving overall well-being.

Stress is a part of life.

But it is not life itself.

Use these techniques to put it

in its proper place.

The Pause Portal: Beacon Hill Sunrise

Beacon Hill looks over Poltimore and Killerton in Devon.

Notice your breathe

as you watch the sunrise.

The sun is coming up.

The day is starting.

Birdsong is filling the air.

Sunlight is filling the sky.

The day is new.

Full of possibility.

Things to explore.

But not yet.

Questions to ask.

But not yet.

Connections to make.

But not yet.

Decisions to make.

But not yet.

Now is the time

to look the arriving day

in the eye and say:

“I am more.”

I am more

than the distance

between my best

and worst decisions

I am more

than the distance

between my best

and worst decisions.

I am more

than the distance

between my best

and worst days.


This day will stretch

from rest to rest

like the sun.

And I will know

more of time

and more of life.

And I will know


I am more.

Imagine your confidence

rising inevitably

like this sunrise.

Say “I am more”

quietly to yourself.

And start the day.

Try it and see what difference it makes.

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

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Or have suggestions for future topics.

I regularly have discussions with people who want particular topics for their staff or volunteers and who want to use the videos and “One Click Wonders” to support their people’s wellbeing.

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Press the “Get in Touch” button on the website.

That’s all for this week.

Until next week, let’s keep moving fwd…