FREE Mental Health Micro Guide #15

The Motivation Issue

Let’s get 1 million people trained by 2035


What’s your “why”

when it comes to learning

about mental health?

Let’s explore…

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(UK) Call The Samaritans on 116 123 or look at their website here

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The Question: What’s your “why?”?

If the global mental health situation

seems overwhelming.

Go simple.

Go personal.

And start with you.

Find out about my “why” in this 4 minute film…

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

The Time-Saver: Why Mental Health?

Want to share the conversation?

Or start one?

Voilà! The One Click Wonder, all the key resources in one place - just one click away.

Open and save your own pdf version to keep and to share around the office - link under the image.

QR Code. You can either scan the QR Code or click the word “press” next to it to access the video above. Another way to share help and support.

This is part of a series. Interested in versions you can print without emptying the printer cartridge? Or interested in versions with your company logo on? Get in touch.

The Checklist: Why Mental Health?

Knowing your motivation

helps you make the

right choice for your training.

And avoids you substituting the training

for what you really need.

Here’s a summary expanding on the video above.



Not a substitute for

Understanding others

To gain insight into the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours of those around you

Genuine empathy and lived experience.

Supporting others

To be better equipped to provide practical help and emotional support to those in need.

Professional therapy or specialised medical interventions.

Understanding myself

To gain self-awareness and better manage personal emotions, reactions, and mental health.

Professional mental health support or deep personal therapeutic work.

Get in touch if you want to talk through the right training for you…

The Pause Portal: Drakeford Bridge Lambs (Joy)


is dependent on what happens.

A feeling that leans on circumstances.

Joy leans on no thing.

Joy rips up the happiness rule book.

Joy comes




Joy is disruptive

in the best possible way.

These riotous lambs are

exploding with joy

by Drakeford Bridge on the River Bovey, Devon, UK.

The need to run and jump and kick comes




Allow yourself a smile

as you watch these lambs.

Are we allowing space for joy?

Are we allowing space

for the best possible disruption?

Take a breath.

Say this intention out loud

or to yourself as you breathe in.

“Joy is welcome here.”

Breathe out.

Try it and see what difference it makes.

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

Getting involved

Did someone forward this to you?

Jump on board here.

I would love to know what you thought of this Micro Guide.

Or have suggestions for future topics.

This issue is about your motivations after all!

My calendar is full of people who want particular topics for their staff or volunteers and who want to use the videos and “One Click Wonders” to support their people’s wellbeing.

Join the conversation.

Press the “Get in Touch” button on the website.

That’s all for this week.

Until next week, let’s keep moving fwd…