FREE Mental Health Micro Guide #26

The Loneliness Issue


Loneliness is on the rise.

Especially in the West.

What is it?

What can we do?

Let’s dive in…

Need help now?

(UK) Call The Samaritans on 116 123 or look at their website here

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The Question: Loneliness: the last taboo?

Loneliness is sometimes describes as a modern epidemic.

But this doesn’t have to be the case.

Find out how in this 5 minute film…

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

The Time-Saver: Loneliness

Want to share the conversation?

Or start one?

Voilà! The One Click Wonder, all the key resources in one place - just one click away.

Open and save your own pdf version to keep and to share around the office - link under the image.

QR Code. You can either scan the QR Code or click the word “press” next to it to access the video above. Another way to share help and support.

This is part of a series. Interested in versions you can print without emptying the printer cartridge? Or interested in versions with your company logo on? Get in touch.

Not sure how to use a One Click Wonder? Watch this guide.

The Pause Portal: Budleigh Salterton Dawn (Start)

What will it take

for you to start?

To start to say

“I’m an alright human being”

“I’m rightly proud of myself”

“Today could go really well”

It doesn’t have to be something massive.

It just has to start.

What if you:

-say those things to yourself this morning?

-say those things to yourself for a week of mornings?

-say those things to yourself for a lifetime of mornings?

You just keep showing up with a little pushback

-to doubt

-to negativity

-to worry

Those waves

lapping at the shore

with a little pushback

that shapes continents.

Try it and see what difference it makes.

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

Getting involved

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I would love to know what you thought of this Micro Guide.

Or have suggestions for future topics.

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Press the “Get in Touch” button on the website.

Some exciting developments coming.

Watch. This. Space

That’s all for this week.

Until next week, let’s keep moving fwd…