FREE Mental Health Micro Guide #27

The Hope Issue


Hope is not fluffy.

Research shows is accelerates recovery

and provides a buffer to stress.

What is it?

What can we do to cultivate it?

Let’s dive in…

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The Question: What is hope?

Hope is a word that is used in a lot of different ways.

But how can we remember what it really means?

Let’s explore how in this 3 minute film…

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

The Time-Saver: Hope

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Open and save your own pdf version to keep and to share around the office - link under the image.

QR Code. You can either scan the QR Code or click the word “press” next to it to access the video above. Another way to share help and support.

This is part of a series. Interested in versions you can print without emptying the printer cartridge? Or interested in versions with your company logo on? Get in touch.

Not sure how to use a One Click Wonder? Watch this guide.

The Pause Portal: Lower Lympstone (Patience + Change)

What difference am I making?

What changes am I really making?

These two questions can weigh heavy on us.

And make us wonder whether it’s worth

making any changes at all.

Because we want to see change.

But change isn’t always visible on the daily.

This is the key:

Repeated Action + Patience = Visible Change

And yet “patience” isn’t shouted from the rooftops

by all those “change makers”

and their “instant change” promises

The only promise you should make

is to yourself:

To be patient and

stay on this good course

you have chosen

more often than not.

That’ll do.

Try it and see what difference it makes.

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

Getting involved

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Some exciting developments coming.

Watch. This. Space

That’s all for this week.

Until next week, let’s keep moving fwd…