FREE Mental Health Micro Guide #7

Tips to tackle stress when waiting for exam results

Let’s get 1 million people trained by 2035


Results time.

Lots of unknowns.

Lots at stake.

But one thing that is not unknown nor at stake?

Your self-worth.

Let’s get into what we can practically do to remind ourselves of this….

The Question: How do I tackle stress when waiting for exam results?

A 4 minute guide to minimising that “waiting for exam results” feeling…

Excuse the misted up glasses - it was very humid that day!

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

The Time-Saver: Exam Results

Save time with this One Click Wonder, all the key resources in one place - just one click away.

Open and save your own pdf version to keep and to share around the office - link under the image.

This is part of a series. Interested in versions you can print without emptying the printer cartridge? Or interested in versions with your company logo on? Get in touch.

The Checklist: Tackling Exam Result Stress

Four factors and their solutions. Choose what suits you.

Here’s a summary from the video above.



Focus on What You Can Control

Shift focus from the exam results to skills and preparation that benefit you regardless of the outcome.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Replace worst-case scenarios with balanced and positive thoughts to reduce anxiety.

Develop a Contingency Plan

Having a backup plan increases your confidence in handling any situation.

Limit Overthinking

Set aside a specific time each day to focus on your worries, then shift your attention elsewhere.

Exam results day can consume our thoughts, but we have the power to choose our focus, to develop contingencies and to put negative thoughts in a box.

These are important life skills - not just for exams results day…

The Pause Portal: Values, the Rock and the Path

What value will you never give up?




Not even for a moment?

This value

you’re thinking of

is your rock.

In a world of change

this value

brings balance to extremes

makes sense of the new

and orders your choices.

But this value

doesn’t strand you

in the changing waters.

It may feel

like an island


but this rock

is a stepping stone.

It is more than a firm foundation

It is a way through.

Steady your breathing, noticing each breath.

Notice the stepping stones

across the River Teign

near Bridford Wood.

They are solid




by the fast flowing water.

The water flows between them




constantly changing.

The stones don’t move.

Not for the noise.

Not for the spectacle.

Not for the flow and change.

They are your firm ground.

The stones do enable movement.

Across the river.

Through the noise.

Above the flow and change.

They are your path.

Say out loud or note in your mind the value you are thinking of,

imagine it on the ground in front of you

and step onto it

feeling the firm ground

beneath your feet.





Try it and see what difference it makes to you.

(fwd is aiming to have all video content accompanied with a descriptive transcript so that we can benefit from the wisdom and character of all who engage. The descriptive transcript can be found under the video in Youtube.)

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Mental Health First Aid and Refresher Courses are available for booking in August

Closes Sunday 18th at midnight.

**Exclusive offer as a thank you to subscribers**

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(Equivalent to a saving of over £169 on the RRP across the two tickets)

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Get in touch if you have any questions.

That’s all for this week.

Until next week, let’s keep moving fwd…